Wil received his first Badger Gear from one of my students, his first quarterback outfit from Bob and Steph, his first Tonka truck and an outfit from Great Grandma Shirley, onsies and two Brewer outfits from Grandma and Grandpa Geurts, sweet 80's T's from Auntie Kayla, new kicks from Uncle Tony (yes, his first official pair of Air Jordans with matching beenie), new books, AND an adorable caterpillar picture frame! Wow... that's all I can say!
Adam and I live in Wisconsin with our two little boys Wil and Jayce. Most of our time is spent together at home. We bought a brand new house in 2007 and enjoy spending time fixing it up and adding new details. We also love taking walks around the neighborhood, spending time with family and friends, and just being together. We've created this blog to chronicle our wonderful life together... thanks for joining us!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
One lucky little boy...
Wil received his first Badger Gear from one of my students, his first quarterback outfit from Bob and Steph, his first Tonka truck and an outfit from Great Grandma Shirley, onsies and two Brewer outfits from Grandma and Grandpa Geurts, sweet 80's T's from Auntie Kayla, new kicks from Uncle Tony (yes, his first official pair of Air Jordans with matching beenie), new books, AND an adorable caterpillar picture frame! Wow... that's all I can say!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Ok, Ok... I retract the previous statement.
As I sat here in good ol' Richland Center this December 23 and listenend to Wil's heartbeat and constant kicks with my Mom (thanks to my fabulous $20 Target Baby Monitor) I realized how lucky I really am. My Baby and I are healthy and happy... not to mention we are growing like weeds! I've got two great families who love and support not only me and my husband, but our unborn Baby! And great friends to share in the excitement! 'Tis the season to be merry... Happy Holidays All!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
100 days to go...
As far as a doctor update... I went yesterday and had the usual - weight, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - blood pressure - belly measurement - and fetal heartbeat, which was as strong as ever! I also had my glucose test this month... hopefully my gestational diabetes test comes back A-OK... I might just die if I can't have my usual daily intake of sugar! All is well in baby land though! He just keeps cooking... if only I could stop him from kicking me CONSTANTLY! :) He's going to be a busy boy!
It's done... well, mostly!
Now we need to fill this room with something other than furniture and I'm not sure where to begin... it's quite overwhelming when you think of all the things this kid is going to need! Let the shopping begin! WOOHOO!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas with Grandpa Fontana!
It was great to see everyone, especially my cousin Brad who lives in Phoenix. I haven't seen him since our wedding and he was surprised with my rather enormous belly! At my 20 week ultrasound, the tech declared my due date as April 3 (Brad's birthday). Apparently Wil could be here any time between March 28 and April 3... not good for the planner in me! I told Brad I don't know if I can wait that long. He told me it's not a choice, he wants him to be born 26 years after him - we'll see about that!
Speaking of Wil & gift opening... Aunt Jan got Wil the most adorable onsie. His Daddy thought it was great! It's camoflauge and reads "My First ATV"!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Adam and I were left with 3 feet deep snowdrifts that even our snowblower couldn't take on. So, I take it back Old Man Winter. I'd rather work than have a snow day. I really would... well, I'll check back in with you regarding this matter in late January, let's just leave it at that.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Fun Continues...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Getting Ready for Baby!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Let the Countdown begin....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving... Round 2!
And then the fun begins!
Notice how efficient I am with my camera now... just as the heavy work starts! What are husbands for - mine might just be the toughest one around too!
First, Adam saws it down... apparently it had an abnormally large trunk!
Then, Adam and Gravel drag it back to the truck!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving... Round 1
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sharing the NEWS has been so much fun!
Of course we couldn't resist giving him a bite! We all thought they were mighty delicious!
As you can see, I had a rather high boy vote. I should tell you that I have 11 boys in my class and 6 girls - one of which was absent today, so you can imagine who voted for who! HAHA!
Mmmmm! Tasty!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's a Boy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Gift for Daddy...
I took the recording device to my doctor appointment on Wednesday, recorded the heart beat while my doctor listened along (she thought it was the coolest idea ever) and then drove to Build-A-Bear workshop to pick out my bear, place the recording device in the paw, and stuff!
Now, whenever Adam is feeling like listening to his Baby, he can grab the bear and squeeze it's paw! It's pretty cool and worked great! Adam was thrilled! He listened to it over and over again... notice how he's holding it too - he's a natural!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
20 Weeks... We're Half-Way There!
So, that's Wednesday... Friday is where it's at, and let me tell you, it cannot come quick enough. Adam and I are excited for our 20 week ultrasound where we'll find out how Baby is growing/developing AND if he/she cooperates, we'll find out if our little bundle is a boy or a girl! The suspense is killing me! I won't sleep a wink Thursday, I'm just sure of it! As always, we'll keep you posted... whether you want to know or not! (hehehe)
To make the excitement even more intense, I was finally able to 'drag' Adam to 2 baby stores today, where he was surprisingly really into picking out possible bedding for Baby! We've actaully narrowed it down to a definite choice for each (boy and girl). I know I won't be able to wait much longer before I start buying things, especially once we find out what we're having. This pregnancy thing gets more fun each day!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
I added some glitter (always a necessity for Halloween), shock bolts, leggings, and gold gloves. Adam, on other hand, was REALLY inspired; you can tell if you know Adam at all - he rarely gets overly excited about much of anything and NEVER wants to draw attention to himself.
Adam's costume was merely a plug (to-be-inserted into my outlet of course... hehehe), but Adam was determined to be a lamp. His Dad and him worked hard on the Wal-Mart lamp shade we purchased. The lamp shade was actually hot-glued to a red hard hat (you never know what you'll find in Andy Geurts' garage)! He then glued two small flashlights inside the lamp so he could light up when he was "plugged in"! He completed the look with a black long underwear set and Hallween socks from Auntie Tina! I can honestly say I've never been more proud of his bravery! I could tell he was extremely uncomfortable (he did need 5 beers upon arrival before he was comfortable greeting anyone)...but he did it!
Stay tuned for more costumes that were captured on Halloween Night...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Baby Movement or Gas Bubble? That is the question!
Like all things related to this pregnancy, I've learned that this is something I can't worry about. IT will happen when it happens! Well... I think it has! I THINK, that is. I never have had a 6 inch person inside my belly before, so nothing is for sure right now. But, last night while watching So You Think You Can Dance, I felt something strange. If I had to describe it, I would say it felt like someone blew a bubble in there. "Hmm, that was strange," I thought. But then I felt it again, and again... like 6 different times at least! I ran upstairs to tell Adam the news! I expained that it felt like a bubble in my stomach to which he responded, "are you sure you don't have to fart?" I thought for a moment, "No. I don't actually. It's too low in my belly for that anyways."
So, that's where we're at in the fetal movement department. Possible baby, possible gas. I will, however, keep you posted if such experience happens again! I think it's the baby... I really do!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Life Is Good.
* Taking your wife - who isn't kicking and screaming - (and great friends) to dinner at Hooter's for the first time Saturday night. Not to mention sharing 50 of the best chicken wings ever made - $50.
18 Week Picture... a few weeks late!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Fall!
The Geurts Family took a trip to a pumpkin patch this weekend. We got some great decorations for the house! It was a beautiful day!
We got pumpkins for everyone in the family. Now, if we can only keep Gravel from pulling them around by the stems!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Gravel Turns 2!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Monday, October 5, 2009
So, my Mom says it's time... the 15 week picture.
On a sweeter and more adorable note... here's the first baby gift we ever received, little slippers for when Baby Geurts arrives. Look how small they are compared to Daddy's hand! I can't believe that soon enough, we'll have two little feet to put in these little slips...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Camping Fun!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Honeymoon pictures!
This picture is a view from the walkway that lead from the hotel, straight to the ocean. On both sides of this walkway were restaurants and a stage where you could watch some exciting shows... it was more like going to a high school show choir competition. As you can imagine, I thought it was super fun - we saw Grease LIVE on stage. Adam thought it was ridiculously painful!
In additon to our eating, drinking at the swim-up bar, and swimming in the Pacific. Adam and I decided we'd only be on our Honeymoon once, so we'd better take advantage of it... thus came the three excursions we decided to take. The first (being the good wife that I am) involved 4-wheeling throughout the countryside of Puerto Vallarta. Although this isn't necessarily "my cup of tea" (I'd much rather be laying in the sun) it was quite amazing to say the least... but first, can I preface the following pictures with this. We were totally pumped to try new things and planned this trip on DAY 2... I mentioned previously that everything at our hotel was free (not technically, but it felt like it at the time). Let me just say that I competely over-indulged at said swim- up bar the ENTIRE DAY before this trip. That's right folks, I am completely hung-over, but yet again, being the good wife that I am, I decided to pull through and let Adam experience 4-wheeling Mexico style!
Now those of you who know me will agree that I am lacking the 'athletic gene'... some of the gals were brave enough to drive. I, however, decided that I would be better holding on in the back. So, Adam was in charge of the actual 4-wheeling while on held on for my life! Thank god Adam didn't try to 'pop a wheelie', which he is know for!
Our travels eventually took us up into the mountains to this tequila distilery (however you spell that). We were 'encouraged' to try a variety of tequilas, which we could purchase. Think of it this way, you hear of people going to a wine tasting, well, this was a tequila tasting party. Did I mention I was hung over?!?!?
Our final excursions were boat trips out to sea, which were pretty amazing! My idea of 'experiencing' Mexico involved snorkeling and ocean fun. We went via boat to a far-off island in the middle of the Pacific where we were basically pushed off into choppy water to s