Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's done... well, mostly!

So, Adam took a vacation day yesterday (Friday). Of course he had a long list of things to do. I asked him if he'd be able to finish painting the Baby's room by himself... he stated he just wasn't sure if he'd get to it. Much to my surprise (well, not really, I knew he'd do it) the room was finished when I got home from work. The walls looked great and the furniture was moved back in! We're both quite pleased with the results. Like my previous attmepts, it was tricky to get pictures of the room. Don't tell Adam, but I'm wondering if maybe we should've chosen the other (bigger) bedroom for Wil. I don't know how we're going to fit everything in...

Now we need to fill this room with something other than furniture and I'm not sure where to begin... it's quite overwhelming when you think of all the things this kid is going to need! Let the shopping begin! WOOHOO!


  1. YAY!!! :) I love the green!!
    I can't wait to come see it & for Wil to arrive so he can see it!! :)

    Come see my blog - it's been fun to play with!

  2. It looks will Adam come and do our nursery?? It's just a thought..... :)
