This picture is a view from the walkway that lead from the hotel, straight to the ocean. On both sides of this walkway were restaurants and a stage where you could watch some exciting shows... it was more like going to a high school show choir competition. As you can imagine, I thought it was super fun - we saw Grease LIVE on stage. Adam thought it was ridiculously painful!
In additon to our eating, drinking at the swim-up bar, and swimming in the Pacific. Adam and I decided we'd only be on our Honeymoon once, so we'd better take advantage of it... thus came the three excursions we decided to take. The first (being the good wife that I am) involved 4-wheeling throughout the countryside of Puerto Vallarta. Although this isn't necessarily "my cup of tea" (I'd much rather be laying in the sun) it was quite amazing to say the least... but first, can I preface the following pictures with this. We were totally pumped to try new things and planned this trip on DAY 2... I mentioned previously that everything at our hotel was free (not technically, but it felt like it at the time). Let me just say that I competely over-indulged at said swim- up bar the ENTIRE DAY before this trip. That's right folks, I am completely hung-over, but yet again, being the good wife that I am, I decided to pull through and let Adam experience 4-wheeling Mexico style!
Now those of you who know me will agree that I am lacking the 'athletic gene'... some of the gals were brave enough to drive. I, however, decided that I would be better holding on in the back. So, Adam was in charge of the actual 4-wheeling while on held on for my life! Thank god Adam didn't try to 'pop a wheelie', which he is know for!
Our travels eventually took us up into the mountains to this tequila distilery (however you spell that). We were 'encouraged' to try a variety of tequilas, which we could purchase. Think of it this way, you hear of people going to a wine tasting, well, this was a tequila tasting party. Did I mention I was hung over?!?!?
Our final excursions were boat trips out to sea, which were pretty amazing! My idea of 'experiencing' Mexico involved snorkeling and ocean fun. We went via boat to a far-off island in the middle of the Pacific where we were basically pushed off into choppy water to s
Hey Stef I bet that was my little grand baby. YOu are already seeing that a mom finds out very early the many ways your child can get your attention. This is only the beginning. Enjoy!!!!!!My love to the 3 of you. MOM