Here I am at 20 weeks! I can't believe we're half-way there; time has started to fly by! The 20 week mark also means another week of doctor appointments. On Wednesday, I'll meet with Dr. Scladzien where we'll do the norm - weight gain (ugh), blood pressure, fetal heart rate, etc. I've been writing a list of questions to ask this time - my 4 month appointment lasted all of 15 minutes... even though I consider myself fairly well-read in regards to this pregnancy, I still think it's important to ask lots of questions. :) The thing is, being pregnant has been so easy thus far, I don't have many things to discuss. Now that things are speeding up and feeling A LOT more real, my questions are becoming more frequent, so I'm looking forward to seeing my doctor again. I always need a little piece of mind to get through the next month.
So, that's Wednesday... Friday is where it's at, and let me tell you, it cannot come quick enough. Adam and I are excited for our 20 week ultrasound where we'll find out how Baby is growing/developing AND if he/she cooperates, we'll find out if our little bundle is a boy or a girl! The suspense is killing me! I won't sleep a wink Thursday, I'm just sure of it! As always, we'll keep you posted... whether you want to know or not! (hehehe)
To make the excitement even more intense, I was finally able to 'drag' Adam to 2 baby stores today, where he was surprisingly really into picking out possible bedding for Baby! We've actaully narrowed it down to a definite choice for each (boy and girl). I know I won't be able to wait much longer before I start buying things, especially once we find out what we're having. This pregnancy thing gets more fun each day!
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