Dear Wil,
It is 8:30pm, Friday, December 31st. New Years Eve! I just put you to bed. Here you are, all snuggled in tight and hopefully having sweet dreams. What am I doing? Thinking of you. The year of your birth is coming to an end... and what a year it has been - the best really!

You were born in the middle of a cold March night. Did you know it snowed on March 20, 2010? It did! I remember looking out the window in our hospital room, just before you were born, and seeing little, white flakes floating softly from the clouds.You came into this world so quietly & so peacefully. You looked all around, eyes wide open. You hardly cried. We loved you instantly - still in shock that we brought you into this world.

This year you've changed so much. You are now 9.5 months old. You love to eat at your highchair - graham crackers, bananas, and puffs are your favorite foods. You also love EVERY kind of fruit you try... veggies, well, not so much. You have 3 teeth - two on the top & one on the bottom. You learned to crawl a couple of weeks ago - now you are getting into everything! But, we secretly love it. You say "DaDaDaDa" all day long. You hate your diaper changed! You get excited about everything from new toys to our vaccuum cleaner (you show your excitement by saying "ooh-ooh" and flexing your arms & legs). You are so funny! You love baths. You love visiting your Grandmas & Grandpas & Auntie Kayla & Uncle Tony. You love meeting new people too. You love Gravel (pulling his hair & playing fetch with him is the best). But, most of all, you love your Mommy & Daddy!
I can't wait to see what 2011 will bring for our family. You will be 1 year old in less that 3 months. How is that possible? You are the best thing to ever happen to us & we love you so. Here's to a beautiful 2011.
MaMa & DaDa
Oh NO! You just made Grama cry. What a sweet and touching message to Wil. Isn't it amazing how much one new little human being can change and enhance so many lives? We all love that little boy more than words can say. You two couldn't be more wonderful, loving parents and I know you know that yourself everytime you look into those trusting little eyes. Our love to the 3 of you. And thank you for our greatest gift since you came along-being Grandparents!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a sweet and adorable letter you wrote to Wil. He has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives from the day he was born. He has two amazing parents that show him love and affection everyday. We are blessed to have him and thank you for bringing Wil into our lives. We love you!