Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thanks for the memories...

Dear Mr. Bumbo Maker,

I am writing this letter with a tear in my eye, but the time has come for us to retire our beloved Bumbo seat. Yes. It's sad, but true. Wil is getting fatter and wilder by the minute, which results in us shoving his meaty thighs through the leg holes and watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't flip the seat and crash to the floor; we're sorry, but we DO put him on the counter while we're in the kitchen... even though you say it's not safe.

Our Bumbo has been a savior for all of us. Wil loved it from the minute we tried it (we could possibly win an award for youngest, smallest baby ever to try it... what can we say, we were excited!?!)

Here's Wil's first day - June 13, 2010 (2 1/2 months old):
He loved to sit in it while watching TV - he's probably watching Oprah!

We  loved taking it everywhere too: Grandma & Grandpa's house, parties, baby showers, outside on the deck. It's so light-weight and versitile! We even took it camping.

Wil was watching his Daddy cook on the grill during this picture! 

This was the perfect spot to feed Wil too! Mmmmm, bananas!

But, best of all, we just loved hangin' out in it!

We've had so many great memories of our son in his Bumbo, but now we're on to BIGGER (not necessarily better) things! Check it out:

The new HIGH CHAIR! It's actually a 2-in-1... it can be converted to a booster seat too! Perfect! Wil's super excited, as you can see!

We'll remember you always, Mr. Bumbo. And keep you in our basement, just in case!

The Geurts'

P.S. Gravel and Wil are quickly becoming best friends! How does my dog know to sit perfectly still by my son's high chair? Wil thinks it's great! He intentionally drops things for him! How does HE know to do this? Have they been talking? Gravel particularly loves to wait for Wil's banana-flavored Puffs to hit the floor, which Wil eagerly supplies him with. Can you see Wil's smile?!?! Too funny!


  1. How cute is that? And you can actually see Wil's hair! Can it be that that little boy gets more adorable every day?

  2. Yes that Bumbo was awesome! Looks like Wil's enjoying his new chair and I'm sure Gravel will really like it too.
