Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Thanks for the memories...

Dear Mr. Bumbo Maker,

I am writing this letter with a tear in my eye, but the time has come for us to retire our beloved Bumbo seat. Yes. It's sad, but true. Wil is getting fatter and wilder by the minute, which results in us shoving his meaty thighs through the leg holes and watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't flip the seat and crash to the floor; we're sorry, but we DO put him on the counter while we're in the kitchen... even though you say it's not safe.

Our Bumbo has been a savior for all of us. Wil loved it from the minute we tried it (we could possibly win an award for youngest, smallest baby ever to try it... what can we say, we were excited!?!)

Here's Wil's first day - June 13, 2010 (2 1/2 months old):
He loved to sit in it while watching TV - he's probably watching Oprah!

We  loved taking it everywhere too: Grandma & Grandpa's house, parties, baby showers, outside on the deck. It's so light-weight and versitile! We even took it camping.

Wil was watching his Daddy cook on the grill during this picture! 

This was the perfect spot to feed Wil too! Mmmmm, bananas!

But, best of all, we just loved hangin' out in it!

We've had so many great memories of our son in his Bumbo, but now we're on to BIGGER (not necessarily better) things! Check it out:

The new HIGH CHAIR! It's actually a 2-in-1... it can be converted to a booster seat too! Perfect! Wil's super excited, as you can see!

We'll remember you always, Mr. Bumbo. And keep you in our basement, just in case!

The Geurts'

P.S. Gravel and Wil are quickly becoming best friends! How does my dog know to sit perfectly still by my son's high chair? Wil thinks it's great! He intentionally drops things for him! How does HE know to do this? Have they been talking? Gravel particularly loves to wait for Wil's banana-flavored Puffs to hit the floor, which Wil eagerly supplies him with. Can you see Wil's smile?!?! Too funny!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

J/K... LOL! (Just for you Kayla)

Every night, Wil goes to sleep around 7:00. He's such a trooper. Bedtime is heaven, really. We eat dinner, play, have a fun bath & then hit the sack (yes, it's pretty much my bedtime too). Most nights, I lay Wil down & he instantly snuggles his blanket and sucks his Nonnie... most nights. Some nights, although few and far between, WIL SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER. For no apparent reason at all.

Now, on these nights my Mommy-mode kicks into high gear. "Let him cry", I tell myself. "He has to learn to settle himself down!" "LET HIM CRY!" "I will let him cry." Ooooh, it's just so hard.

Sometimes Adam buckles & heads up the flight of stairs to Wil's room. But, and here's the but... everytime I shamefully head for the stairs and reach the top, I find this:
Why does he do this to me? I think he's faking. I really do. I think he's faking and secretly laughing at me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blah. Blah. Blah.

Wil's been talkin' up a storm lately (maybe he's more like me than we thought). Usually his babble consists of "DaDaDaDa" over and over again. All I have to say is it sure is getting loud around here! Take a look at this!

P.S. It took me nearly 1 full year to figure out how to post video clips to my blog. I'm obsessed! It's soooo much fun. If you thought I was crazy when it comes to pictures of my child - look out! Now I can upload VIDEO... woohoooie!

A Day at the Farm!

Adam and I decided to take Wil to a pumpkin patch today, although we weren't really in the mood - it was 85 degrees! Who wants to go for a hay ride, pick out pumpkins and drink warm apple cider when it's that HOT outside?!?
 We visited a pumpkin "farm" only a few miles from our house and were pleasantly surprised that it was actually more 'farm' than 'patch'. It had pleny of photo opps for me too! What else can a 6 month old do at a farm other than let his Mom take millions of pictures of him?!?!
Here's Wil meeting the goats...

and the donkey!
We tried to stay for a while, but got bored rather quickly. We ventured on home to spend the rest of the afternoon in our shaddy, backyard. We had a great time together!
Wil is getting more and more fun each day. He giggles, explores EVERYTHING (grass is his latest obsession), and loves to be around his Mom and Dad. He's also getting a bit of a temper. There. I said it. I'm finding it shocking, but true. He screams if he wants "up" or if you take a toy away from him (particularly his cup in the bath tub when it's time to rinse his hair). He also arches his back when he's tired. As if to say, "enough already. PUT ME DOWN!" I guess it's a good thing. I can tell he's starting to become his own person. I just hope he remembers who's in charge... ME! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Your Baptism, Baby!

We celebrated Wil's baptism last weekend on October 2 (can someone remind me to light that candle every year)! We had a small get-together with the Grandmas & Grandpas, Auntie Kayla and Uncle Tony. Great Grandma Keller was there too... Wil is one lucky little man!

Wil was a trooper throughout much of the ceremony. He particularly loved his white, silk tuxedo!

He did great during the sprinkling of the Holy Water too. We're lucky he didn't try to jump into that little tub- you know how he is with bath time!

Wil with his Godfather - Uncly Tony and Godmother - Aunt Kayla. (I think THEY look alike!)

Wil also got some pretty special presents in honor of his big day. It was the first time he really seemed interested in them. It was actually a lot of fun to watch. Here's what we were able to capture... too cute!

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate this wonderful day. We love you!