Adam and I decided to take the long trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sunday morning so that Wil could finally meet his Great Grandpa Fontana. Of course, this trip in itself was a lot of work... no one told me it would take over 2 hours to get out the door. Not to mention an intermission on the way down to feed the little man. The 3+ hour trip went very well - it's the only day I actually appreciated the fact that Wil sleeps most of the day!
As many of you know, Wil was named after his paternal Great Grandfathers - Wilbur Geurts (Adam's Dad's Dad) and Anthony Fontana (my Dad's Dad). Uncle Tony (my brother) was named after Grandpa as well, so now it'll be in the family for yet another generation. Unfortunately, Wil won't have the opportunity to meet Great Grandpa Geurts, so we thought it was very important for him to meet his other partner in crime as soon as possible! Grandpa was thrilled and we haven't seem him that tickled in some time now. He's recovering from surgery on his leg, but seems to be as strong as ever. Of course, a baby can perk anyone up!
Wil knows his Great Grandma VERY well! She's come to visit him twice already... she's been spoiling him since she first found out I was pregnant! She's a pro at being a Grandma (she has 14 grandchildren) and she's even better at being a Great Grandma (Wil makes number 9 - with another on the way)! We are all so very lucky to have her in our lives!