Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Great Grandparents!

Adam and I decided to take the long trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa Sunday morning so that Wil could finally meet his Great Grandpa Fontana. Of course, this trip in itself was a lot of work... no one told me it would take over 2 hours to get out the door. Not to mention an intermission on the way down to feed the little man. The 3+ hour trip went very well - it's the only day I actually appreciated the fact that Wil sleeps most of the day!

As many of you know, Wil was named after his paternal Great Grandfathers - Wilbur Geurts (Adam's Dad's Dad) and Anthony Fontana (my Dad's Dad). Uncle Tony (my brother) was named after Grandpa as well, so now it'll be in the family for yet another generation. Unfortunately, Wil won't have the opportunity to meet Great Grandpa Geurts, so we thought it was very important for him to meet his other partner in crime as soon as possible! Grandpa was thrilled and we haven't seem him that tickled in some time now. He's recovering from surgery on his leg, but seems to be as strong as ever. Of course, a baby can perk anyone up!

Wil knows his Great Grandma VERY well! She's come to visit him twice already... she's been spoiling him since she first found out I was pregnant! She's a pro at being a Grandma (she has 14 grandchildren) and she's even better at being a Great Grandma (Wil makes number 9 - with another on the way)! We are all so very lucky to have her in our lives!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Snuggle Time

So Wil takes many, many naps throughout the day and prefers to party like a rockstar at night. These bad habits have of course kept Adam and I up every hour from 10pm-2am nightly. However, we've established this magical time of the day when Wil is quite content and loveable (not like he's not cuddled every waking moment of the day, but this time is extra special). Right after dinner time he is in and out of sleep and loves to look around and coo. I just can't put him down during this time... this is usually what we look like...

Other times of the day look like this...

Wil sits back and looks around, big, blue eyes wide open, slowly taking everthing in. Then, within an instant, he completely passes out. Does he suffer from narcolepsy? It's the funniest thing!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting to know you...

Disclaimer: Apparently the Mommy in this family was taking a much needed nap during this photo session. If she weren't, the session may have been haulted out of fear and uncertainty. Just goes to show what happens when you leave 3 boys together for too long!
Many of you have wondered how our beloved Gravel has taken to our new addition... for the most part, he's rather indifferent. He could take Wil or leave him. Gravel does hate it when Wil cries, he often leaves the room for fear of getting in trouble - he does not want to be guilty with association I guess. He does approach Wil from time to time when he's still though; usually it's just a quick sniff or lick of the hand. We think the two will become more bonded as the months go on. For now, we are just taking our time... it's lookin' pretty good so far, would you agree?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bath Time = NO FUN Time... Unless you're the Mommy!

Wil had his first bath yesterday morning. I guess it was a Mommy thing - I just couldn't resist. Adam thought I was being a bit rediculous and questioned how dirty he could really be. I explained I just wanted to do it and smell that great baby smell that only Mommies love... of course, he helped (like he always does) and he thought it was quite cute too!

Wil, on the other hand, did not think it was at all enjoyable. He's a lot like his brother Gravel when it comes to a bath... "yuck"! The bath itself took a mere 2-3 minutes and consisted of Adam and I rushing like crazy people to just get it over with! At the last moment (when shear terror set in for Wil) I yelled, "oh no, we forgot the camera - quick get it!" This picture summarizes the overall mood of the activity...

I guess I was the only one to vast in its greatness - bath time is the best!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Boy with many names...

It's funny how after only being around for 3 short days, a little boy could have so many nicknames! Of course, we love to call our little man Wil (it is after all the only name we could agree on), but both Adam and I have established some fitting nicknames for our little bundle.

Adam prefers Little Buddy (which my friend Pam would appreciate considering she's always called Adam Buddy) and Monster, which is funny because Wil's not bigger than a minute! He is extremely loud though, so that's why it sticks.

I prefer to call him Hiccup because (like while in my belly) he gets the hiccups many times throughout the day. I also call him Peanut Butter... well it started as Peanut and then transformed into something more, but I digress. This picture explains this nickname and is one of my favorites so far!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wilbur Anthony Geurts!

Well, we've been waiting since last July for Wil to arrive and he's finally here! I went in for a routine check-up with my doctor last Wednesday and the next day she decided to induce me... right away! Of course, this was not part of my extensive "birth plan", but I quickly realized I had no choice; my doctor was worried about preeclampsia and hypertension, which are both only cured by getting baby out!

My induction started around 9:15 Thursday night, but I was not in active labor until around 9:00 Friday night - talk about a loooong day of waiting. But, after the labor began, I would've waited much longer! Ugh!

My labor was quite intense, but slow to start. After my water broke, though, look out! I went from 0-60 in a matter of minutes! After two doses of morphine (thank God) and 'waiting in line' for my epidural, I was fully dialated and ready to push... did I mention I was still 'in line' for an epidural?!?!? Needless to say, I never got one. Wil came into this world Saturday morning, March 20 at 3:07! He weighed only 5lbs. 11 ounces and measured 18 inches long. One little boy for two tall parents!

Wil and Mommy!

Wil and Daddy!

Getting weighed and measured...

Of course, we thought he was perfect! We enjoyed sharing this special moment together and when it was all said and done, I was quite proud of myself! We still can't believe he's ours! Of course, there'll be plenty more pictures to come... as soon as Adam and I are able to get more sleep! :)
The happy family!

Friday, March 19, 2010

He'll be here soon...

Adam and I are sitting in the hospital this Friday, March 19 waiting for our little man to make his appearance! That's right folks, bring on the babe! After not-so-great doctor appointments both Wednesday and Thursday nights, my doctor decided to induce me... 2 weeks early! So, Adam and I arrived at St. Mary's Hospital around 6:30last night. It's been a long night, but things are beginning to progress (mighty slowly, might I add) but needless to say, Wil should be here some time today. Keep your fingers crossed folks! As of now, all of my tests are looking great and I'm not even considered a high-risk patient! Things have got to be good if I'm playing around on this silly blog, right?!?!? We'll post pictures just as soon as we can! Until then...

thumbs up!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Day at the Zoo!

Adam and I decided to take advantage of this beautiful March weather with some much needed time outside. What a better way to spend it than at the Vilas Zoo?!?! It is, afterall, close to home and entirely free!

We had a nice time walking around and visiting the animals. It's funny that no matter how old you get, you can never go wrong with a trip to the zoo. It seems to bring out the best in people!

Of course we couldn't leave Gravel at home, so we brought him along. He waited (patiently, I'm sure) in the back of the truck while we looked at the animals. When we were done wandering, we let him out and took a loooong walk. My doctor says it's the best thing I can do to encourage Wil to make his grand entrance into this world! Our walk was nice, but we found ourselves miles away from the truck rather quickly. Panic set in as I noticed a rather intense hill I was to climb before making it back to the truck... Adam could feel my tension and was sure I was either going to begin to cry or swear uncontrollably!

In the end, we of course made it back. I was exhausted from hauling my large self the entire distance around the Zoo, but I was excited to be able to choose where to eat lunch... Chipotle! We had a fabulous day together and are looking forward to making the trip again... only next time, our little man will be joining us! WooHoo!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

Carseat in truck... check!
Diaper bag (and adorable 'bring home outfit') packed... check!
Baby room fully stocked... check!
A baby who is still growing (and hiccuping) while I write... check!
Mommy and Daddy's hospital bag packed... check!
A momma who is officially "as big as a barn"... check!

It feels like this March may be the longest month ever to exist in the history of time! Note to self: if/when we do this again, I'm going to try really hard to plan a due date that comes at the beginning of the month!

Here's to making it to 37 weeks!

P.S. Happy Birthday Poppa!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bluck! I could only down a few quick swigs... read below if you're confused!

I thought it might calm me down... help me relax... or help me fall asleep at least. I forgot how awful wine tastes. Besides, I got a little nervous as I took the first few sips. Wil started to wiggle like crazy as if to say, "aaaahhh, Mom this is disgusting, stop, stop!" Oh well, I ate a plate of spaghetti the size of my head and it's 6:15... I'll be heading up to bed shortly - a good book awaits!

I'm hitting a wall...

Sixteen of these... who all have MAJOR spring fever AND a case of the sillies!


A shoe full of these... literally FULL and STUCK inside - Adam had to remove my boots for me today.


Two hands that look like this... that is my wedding ring, which hasn't seen my hand for nearly 6 weeks. Did I mention, they are completely numb as well? That's right, I can't feel anything!


This... my best friend said it was ok, honest.

Did I mention I HATE wine? I'll plug my nose and take a sip (hopefully I can get a few gulps down). Apparently you can drink a glass from time to time - at this point I'm desperate and am willing to put my child in danger. Don't tell anyone! I am a good mother, I really am...