So I've wanted to do this 3-D Ultrasound thing for some time now. Let's just say it's been a guilty obsession for me. I've talked to co-workers who've tried it and thought it was amazing. I did some research and actually found a fairly good price at one of the local clinics here in Madison. Ok, ok, it's not really a clinic, more like an office, and the good price, well that depends on who you ask... You see the average person has 1-2 ultrasounds at a hospital/clinic. It's extremely inpersonal and too the point, which is fine for most, but I figured I'm only going to be pregnant for the first time once! Our families agreed, so on Friday night WE ALL went to get a glimpse of our little bundle in 3-D.

They set us all up in a nice room full of compfy couches and a big screen TV for our families to enjoy the view. I laid on a bed and the ultra-sound tech got to work, first finding Wil in 2-D. He may be a thumb sucker upon birth, but he hasn't yet learned that his entire fist won't fit!

Then the tech. switched to 3-D - WOW! The images were quite amazing - once we could figure out what we were looking at! Here is a glimpse of Wil's face! Can you see it?!?! We were pleased to see that he's quite the porker! He's got great big cheeks, a double-chin, and full lips!

We also found out some interesting facts... He is indeed a boy - the proof is in the pictures (which I promised Adam NOT to share with the entire world). He weighs 3lbs. 15oz., which is HUGE; almost 1lb. bigger than he's suppose to be! The ultra-sound tech. predicted that this baby may come sooner than we planned too!

Overall, we had a great night! We got quite a few glimpses of his face and a great shot of his little feet... However, we found out quickly that our boy was not at all up for this invasion of privacy - his Dad thinks he's shy and doesn't really like a lot of attention all at once!
So, after about 10 good minutes of taking pictures, the rest of our images looked like this! Wil wanted nothing to do with the camera. In fact, he covered his face with his fists, hands, and arms for most of the viewing!

Two arms complete with dimpled elbows completely covering his face!

One entire hand resting on his nose!

One fist up in the air... imagine a little middle finger up as well, to express how he's really feeling.
Lesson Learned: Wil is a bit shy and quite stubborn. The good news - we get to go back in 2 weeks (free of charge) to see if we can get some better shots! YIPPEE!
Yay!! :) Wil is such a cutie!