I often find Wil in his crib like this. I know he's a nuzzler, but really?!? Last night, Adam actually asked, "is he breathing?" Hmmm, perhaps we should check. Honestly, I think he's avoiding his light-up, singing, under-water scene that I constantly play for him each night. Maybe he's trying to tell me something. Something like, "Mom, lay off the obnoxious toys, I'm trying to sleep here." Perhaps it runs in the family. We'd often find my brother like this when he was little too.
Adam and I live in Wisconsin with our two little boys Wil and Jayce. Most of our time is spent together at home. We bought a brand new house in 2007 and enjoy spending time fixing it up and adding new details. We also love taking walks around the neighborhood, spending time with family and friends, and just being together. We've created this blog to chronicle our wonderful life together... thanks for joining us!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Silly Daddy
My Dad does the strangest things to me... but, they never bother me! I think he's fun!
Here's me with a turbin. Dad thought it was super funny. I didn't understand.
And here's me watching TV on my Dad's head. I guess he was bored. I didn't mind. I could see really good and I slobbered all over his head!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
4 Months and some change...
Auntie Kayla came to visit this weekend! Yippee for Mommy and Wil! We had fun hanging out, watching LifeTime movies (oh, how times have changed) and going to a baby shower. Kayla had fun spending some quality time with her most favorite nephew... and Wil enjoyed being spoiled!
Unfortunately, our little man was a bit under the weather. He had his 4 month check-up only hours before she arrived. BIG BUMMER!
But, here's what we know:
Weight - 13 lbs. 6 oz.
Height - 24 1/2 inches
Rashes - 2
Mean Shots - 3
Rashes - 2
Mean Shots - 3
Highest Fever After Said Shots - 102.3 degrees (ugh)
Other important tidbits:
Wil enjoys long baths, eating cereal, chewing on EVERYTHING (teeth soon?), screaming when something makes him really mad, sleeping in his crib ALL night, walks in the evening with Daddy, and taking naps in the morning with Mommy. I've only got a few weeks left of summer, give me a break folks!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Weekend at the Geurts'
Adam, Wil, Gravel and I traveled to DePere last weekend to spend time with family and friends. We spent some time with Debbie, Andy & Auntie Kayla Friday night. Wil had fun taking a walk around the backyard with his Grandma. She loves to show him all of the yummies that are growing in her garden!
On Saturday, Wil met his new baby cousins! Jayden (on the right) was born in May and Sawyer (the princess in the middle) only 3 weeks ago! It was so much fun seeing all of the little ones together for the first time. I think we all took nearly 100 pictures and just stared at them all day. Babies sure are fun! Another one will be joining the pack in September too. Christmas should be great this year!
We also did some celebrating! Adam's parents celebrated their 30th (yes... that's 3-0) Wedding Anniversary on July 12. So, we surprised them with a gift of professional family photos that we will have taken in the Fall. It was also Auntie Kayla's birthday weekend! We're looking forward to her coming to stay with us this weekend! Wil can't wait to see her... she's the bestest aunt ever! We had a fabulous weekend!
Here's to 30 years Grandma and Grandpa! We love you!
Monday, July 19, 2010
4 Generations of F-U-N!
Wil spends some time with his Great Grandpa Fontana. Wil's a lot bigger than the last time they saw each other... and Grandpa's a bit smaller we think! :)
Watching cartoons with Grandpa!
And spending time with his most FAVORITE Uncle Tony - eating, of course!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
How does this happen...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
"Summer breeze, makes me feel fine..."
Wil's new joy in life is laying out on the deck on top of a fleece blanket. He loves watching the clouds & listening to the breeze (when it's not 90 degrees and humid, of course). He's also really been into his toys lately, which is great because we've already got a bunch sitting in a box in his room. He's particularly fond of any that light up &/or play music! It's all rather mind-blowing to a 3 month old.
He's also a fan of this rattle. C'mon, shake it Mr. Serious...
Life is good, what can we say?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July
Wil celebrated his first 4th of July with Mommy and Daddy today. We had lots of fun at the Token Creek Parade and then went to a neighborhood cook-out. Of course, Wil was a trooper. He loved watching all of the action at the parade and was so good at the neighbor's. What a good boy!
Here we are at the parade. I worried about all of the noise, but Wil loved every minute of it. He only cried when I obsessively covered his ears when the fire trucks went by. Apparently me nuzzling his beanie head into my shoulders is not at all how he wanted to spend his time.
Stealing a kiss, of course. Is it possible to kiss your baby too much? I don't think so! Sometimes I just can't get enough of him; yes, I could almost eat him (and no, that's not weird). :)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Play Date or Bust!
Wil and Bronson had their first official play date this week. It was much more fun for Liz and I... clearly.
Wil: "So... what exactly do you want me to do here Mommy?"
Bronson: "Hey, who turned on the lights? I was sleepin' here!"
Wil: "Who is that guy? What's going on? Hello? Anyone?"
Bronson: "What's wrong with him? Hey... sweet shirt, dude!"
Wil: "Forget this. Hey man, I'll teach you something I learned months ago... if you cry really loud, but make a cute face, SOMEONE will pick you up."
Bronson: "Sounds like a plan, Buddy. Mind if I join you?"
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