Monday, September 9, 2013

We have a new baby!

My brother and his fiancé Amy welcomed their beautiful daughter Oaklee into the world on August 6 and I am happy to say that I was lucky enough to be apart of her birth. Having a niece is pretty special (particularly because this Aunt is only able to buy boy clothes). Having a new baby cousin is also pretty special...
Wil LOVES babies and is quite fond of our little Oaklee!
My little brother and his baby girl, just minutes after her birth.
Stop! Her Mama always has her dressed perfectly, with a matching headband, of course!
Speaking of cousins... Wil has acquired two more in the past year!! He's crazy about Dylan (who is almost 5, which is like the coolest thing ever) and Iylee (who he's quite protective of... when she'll let him). I think Iylee could really be mine. She's girly and sassy and determined, which I LOVE!!!! The four of them really get along quite well and it's been fun to watch them grow up together over the last year. I wish we were closer so we could all play every day (and so that I could get my baby fix)!

One of my favorites...
They had been playing outside (alone) for what seemed like forever when we all realized that no one had really "checked on" them for just as long. It was quiet. We were nervous. But, alas no harm had been done. The three of them were just camping.